I like to hike, and explore. One day after telling my dad that I finally made it to the top of Mt Wilson in the mountain range near where I live, he asked me why I like to do hikes like that. I gave him an answer at the time that sounded good, but I thought about that question for years afterwards. It's a very deep question if you think about it. I mean, why do I enjoy it as much as I do?
I started asking myself that question also about why I like to travel. I like to visit places I've never been, usually a place that is very different than what I'm used to. More remote, less developed, someplace unique. I don't have a definitive answer yet, but the best I can come up with is that I do hikes like that because I am a better person for having been there.
When I think about where I wan to travel next, I find something specific and unique that I want to experience. Then I build a trip around it, versus picking a place and doing everything there is to do there.